Friday 4 October 2013

Exercise 1

Influence of technology on our lives

One early morning

One early morning at 06:00am my Blackberry phone’s alarm wakes me up to get ready for school. I start by slapping myself a bit and get out of bed to switch on the lights so I see where my things are. While rubbing my stomach I go get my toiletry bag n open my bedroom door to go to the bathroom and do my thing (like brush my teeth and shower). After cleaning myself up I go dress up and put on deodorant so I can look and smell good, well I do what I can. By the time I look at the time its 07:10am and I have to go eat breakfast so I head to the kitchen and switch on the electric stove so I can make food. At 07:30am it’s time for me to get out the house and head for school which takes me 30 min.
When walking to school many cars would pass me and there would be traffic in front. As I be passing buildings cars would be hooting at other cars, traffic lights controlling the roads and people going to work. So I get to school and go through school’s fingerprint security gate my friends pass me, greeting me and asking about my weekend and I would tell them “talk later”. I get to class and we work on computers to do our work and the lecturer jus told me right now to take out my headsets and switch of my phone and had to.
It has been a long day at school and I’m so hungry so I go to KFC and order some fast food. After eating walk to my friends place, chill and chat with them till 18:00pm. So I go back to my place and set my phone to wake me.

Views about relation between design/art to technology and cyber-culture

I am Phaladi Thosago born on 10 September 1991. I wish to write this manifesto to show my views on the world I see every day. The world where we live with the design/art of technology and a cyber-culture we adopted along the way of growth and change.

I believe

I believe that our world is advancing into something even greater. Technology grows every day and without it the world wouldn’t be as we see it today. Television, computers, microwaves, kettles, transport; life would be harder and less interesting without some of the things I mentioned. I fear that with the technology we have, the cyber-culture we live will be the downfall of us because of the destruction and the way we abuse it at times. The only thing that makes me happy about our cyber-culture and technology is that it has made us stronger, extended the human thought and knowledge.

The good

Imagine a life without technology. Would it be a good and manageable one? Honestly it can be good and bad. Looking at how we live, technology has helped us to do many things. It made things like communication much easier. Think about it, you want to send a message to a friend but the only problem would be distance. Writing a letter would be an idea but it only reaches the friend after days or even weeks. Thanks to technology we can call and communication takes place that same time. Other things like transportation, the internet, and other machines (that let us do things beyond our capability) helped us have a better life.

The bad

Now imagine with all this wonderful technology and the greatness it brings out of life, isn’t there something bad bound to happen? We all know that line that says, “Where there is good there is bad”. Well that’s what I think when coming to technology. Those people that are using technology for bad things give it a bad name. Nuclear bombs, guns, using communication devices to lour innocent people and kidnap them for a ransom are some of the things that people do. People start living in fear because of such events and acts. That is why some people find some sort of peace without technology, but I still don’t think it would make things better. At least with technology and what we gain from it can help stop those who are not using it for the good of mankind.


The designs of the technology we live with are very important to the way we live in this modern world. Without it life would truly be unimaginable difficult because we are used to how it makes things simpler. Imagine people who grew up with all this technology. They have it easier and never lived to stay in a place where there’s no electricity and cell phones. Technology made my life better and extended my knowledge. We should keep technology and use it for the good of mankind. Not to destruct each other and the world we live in but to make it a more intellect, more advanced.

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