Friday 4 October 2013

Exercise 3

Research on 19th century inventions


The first automobile was manufactured in Germany in 1885. It was a petrol engine and was built by Karl Benz. However, the commercial production of this vehicle started in 1888 after Benz was granted a patent for this vehicle. This was actually the start of making automobiles and from then the production continued. People tried to make as better vehicles as they possibly could and came up with better and better options.

These are a few images of the development of the automobile:




After two years of trials and tribulations, on March 10, 1876, it happened. That morning, they were working on the invention by stringing a wire from Bell’s laboratory to his bedroom. Bell was in the lab and Watson was in the bedroom. And Bell proceeded to utter this historic sentence: “Mr. Watson come here. I want to see you!”. When he saw Watson walking into the lab, both of them immediately knew – it worked!!

These are the few images on the Telephone:



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