Tuesday 22 October 2013

Exercise 7_Manifestos


Art is life and everything that we see around us is design. Show potential of pure creativity in all designs for the smallest amount can catch attention. Be not afraid to let your imagination of design flow over function of technology and cyber cultures. Past is past, we have the function of technology but now we need to implement the surreal beauty of design. If not, please make a U turn and go back to the stone ages when the thought of technology was still in progress, for we have it now and we need to be like the cave man, fighting for survival of our technologies by purifying it with our limitless arrays of designs filled with creativity and passion. Let your passion fight to be the visual for all to see. Technology and cyber culture wouldn’t be the way it is today without art and design movements. Every design has to have a function in today’s world, no design function equals no design.

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