Friday, 4 October 2013

Exercise 2

Research simulation session

Attempt to define the term based on your own existing knowledge of “Zeitgeist”.
Zeitgeist is the general feeling or knowlegde of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people.

What is the internet search for “Zeitgeist”?
It is the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.

Document and open the first ten results (print outs)

Note down the reference details: web address, author, title (use the Harvard method).
·         Wikipidia. (2013) Zeitgeist [online] Available at: [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Wikipidia. (2013) Zeitgeist: The Movie [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         The Zeigest Film Series Gateway. (2013) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         The Zeitgeist Movement Globe. (2011) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Google Zeitgeist. (2012) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Google Zeitgeist 2012. (2012) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Youtube. (2012) [Online] Available at: http:// [Accessed 08/09/2013]

·         Youtube. (2013) [Online] Avialable at: http:// [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         IMDb. (2007) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Zietgeist Films. (2008) [Online] Available at: http://‎ [Accessed 08/09/2013]

What information do you find?
A lot of information on the tern is given but most of the information is about the “Zeitgeist Movie”. There is also information on Zeitgeist in different periods of time.

How do you go about selecting the most reliable and relevant source?
I looked for the “keywords” which would help with defining questions such as, “what is Zeitgeist” and so.

How does context help with distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information?
It helps the circumstances that form the setting for the statement, or idea which it can be fully understood and assessed.

What images do you find linked with this term?
·         The image of the earth.
·         A person’s eye witnessing something.

Which of the sites most interested you personally?
·         The video on Youtube. (2013) [Online] Avialable at: http:// [Accessed 08/09/2013]

What key words will help us to refine our search?
Definition of “Zeitgeist”. Even going to an online dictionary can help.

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