Tuesday 22 October 2013

Exercise 9_The Exquisite corpe Game

Play Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative poetry game that traces its roots to the Parisian Surrealist Movement. Exquisite Corpse is played by several people, each of whom writes a word on a sheet of paper, folds the paper to conceal it, and passes it on to the next player for his or her contribution.

In order to write a poem, participants should agree on a sentence structure beforehand. For example, each sentence in the poem could be structured "Adjective, Noun, Verb, Adjective, Noun." Articles and verb tenses may be added later or adjusted after the poem has been written. The game was also adapted to drawing, where one participant would draw thehead of a figure, the next the torso, etc. The name "Exquisite Corpse" comes from a line of poetry created using the technique: "The exquisite corpse will drink the young wine."

The only hard and fast rule of Exquisite Corpse is that each participant is unaware of what the others have written, thus producing a surprising—sometimes absurd—yet often beautiful poem. Exquisite Corpse is a great way to collaborate with other poets, and to free oneself from imaginative constraints or habits. Remember, many of the most effective phrases or metaphors are those that are most surprising. So get a couple of friends and try writing an exquisite corpse.

As an example, the following is an Exquisite Corpse composed by the intrepid Academy staff using the sentence construction Adjective, Noun, Verb, Adjective, Noun.

Slung trousers melt in a roseate box.

A broken calendar oscillates like sunny tin.

The craven linden growls swimmingly. Blowfish.

A glittering roof slaps at crazy ephemera


My Exquisite Corpse
In this first image all group members had drawn in a block/section.
In this one below we had to choose one of the crazy sentences we came up with when playing the game. After that we needed to draw something that best pictured the sentence.


Exercise 8_Dada Collage

Dada Collage

These are few examples of DADA posters:

Our DADA poster was very much inspired by the above posters.

Exercise 7_Manifestos


Art is life and everything that we see around us is design. Show potential of pure creativity in all designs for the smallest amount can catch attention. Be not afraid to let your imagination of design flow over function of technology and cyber cultures. Past is past, we have the function of technology but now we need to implement the surreal beauty of design. If not, please make a U turn and go back to the stone ages when the thought of technology was still in progress, for we have it now and we need to be like the cave man, fighting for survival of our technologies by purifying it with our limitless arrays of designs filled with creativity and passion. Let your passion fight to be the visual for all to see. Technology and cyber culture wouldn’t be the way it is today without art and design movements. Every design has to have a function in today’s world, no design function equals no design.

Exercise 5_Hallmark

Friday 4 October 2013

Exercise 4_Photography

A collection of one contemporary visual example of each of the following types of photography:
      Photography as reportage
·         Photography as art
·         Photography in science
·         Behind closed doors: domesticity, intimacy, pornography, paparazzi, and snapshots – include some of your own.

Photography as reportage

 A report photograph is more of a true story thing. Like in this image above you can see that it says many words just from the image itself. This shocks me because the news I get from this story of Ethiopian people is hunger, pain and death.

Photography as art

 The colours, perspective and shot put in this shows how much thought was put. The lens is different from the normal lenses used by many of us normal people. The concept in this image shows the way of the youth, how vibrant and young life this person is living.

Photography in science

Behind closed doors: domesticity, intimacy, pornography, paparazzi, and snapshots – include some of your own.

 This is a private kind of image. One were you can see that it's lovey dovey and in the moment of romance. It is just for them and not for other eyes.

My own Photograph

In this image of myself you can see that it is not taken by a professional photographer. It is more of a personal image. No real effort of making it look like a professional shoot was made.

Exercise 3

Research on 19th century inventions


The first automobile was manufactured in Germany in 1885. It was a petrol engine and was built by Karl Benz. However, the commercial production of this vehicle started in 1888 after Benz was granted a patent for this vehicle. This was actually the start of making automobiles and from then the production continued. People tried to make as better vehicles as they possibly could and came up with better and better options.

These are a few images of the development of the automobile:




After two years of trials and tribulations, on March 10, 1876, it happened. That morning, they were working on the invention by stringing a wire from Bell’s laboratory to his bedroom. Bell was in the lab and Watson was in the bedroom. And Bell proceeded to utter this historic sentence: “Mr. Watson come here. I want to see you!”. When he saw Watson walking into the lab, both of them immediately knew – it worked!!

These are the few images on the Telephone:



Exercise 2

Research simulation session

Attempt to define the term based on your own existing knowledge of “Zeitgeist”.
Zeitgeist is the general feeling or knowlegde of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people.

What is the internet search for “Zeitgeist”?
It is the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.

Document and open the first ten results (print outs)

Note down the reference details: web address, author, title (use the Harvard method).
·         Wikipidia. (2013) Zeitgeist [online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitgeist [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Wikipidia. (2013) Zeitgeist: The Movie [Online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitgeist:_The_Movie [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         The Zeigest Film Series Gateway. (2013) [Online] Available at: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         The Zeitgeist Movement Globe. (2011) [Online] Available at: http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/ [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Google Zeitgeist. (2012) [Online] Available at: http://www.google.co.za/zeitgeist/ [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Google Zeitgeist 2012. (2012) [Online] Available at: http://www.google.co.za/zeitgeist/2012/#the-world [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Youtube. (2012) [Online] Available at: http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrHeg77LF4Y [Accessed 08/09/2013]

·         Youtube. (2013) [Online] Avialable at: http:// www.youtube.com/user/zeitgeistminds [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         IMDb. (2007) [Online] Available at: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1166827/ [Accessed 08/09/2013]
·         Zietgeist Films. (2008) [Online] Available at: http:// www.zeitgeistfilms.com/‎ [Accessed 08/09/2013]

What information do you find?
A lot of information on the tern is given but most of the information is about the “Zeitgeist Movie”. There is also information on Zeitgeist in different periods of time.

How do you go about selecting the most reliable and relevant source?
I looked for the “keywords” which would help with defining questions such as, “what is Zeitgeist” and so.

How does context help with distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information?
It helps the circumstances that form the setting for the statement, or idea which it can be fully understood and assessed.

What images do you find linked with this term?
·         The image of the earth.
·         A person’s eye witnessing something.

Which of the sites most interested you personally?
·         The video on Youtube. (2013) [Online] Avialable at: http:// www.youtube.com/user/zeitgeistminds [Accessed 08/09/2013]

What key words will help us to refine our search?
Definition of “Zeitgeist”. Even going to an online dictionary can help.